jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010


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There is - There are

There is - there are

* There is = hay  (singular)


There is an ant.

There is a crocodile.

There is a ball.

There is an apple.


* There are = hay (plural)


There are two dolphins.

There are two crayons.

There are four apples.

There are three balls.

The yellow pencil /There is& There are

miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010



Write (there is or there are):

1. __________________ three fish.

 2. ________________four parrots.

3. _________________five lions.

4. _________________ three monkeys.

5. ______________________ a dolphin.

6. ______________________ a blue bird.

7. ______________________  two bees.

8. ______________________  a bear.

8. ______________________  a bat.

9. ______________________  a dolphin.

10. ______________________  two eagles.

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There is – there are

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